

u23dom Lv.8

发表于 2023-9-15 08:02:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 查看: 1585 回复: 5|

若皮膚冒出紅疹千萬別用手亂擠!曾有一名19歲男大生在右臂外側發現紅色凸起物,以為是青春痘便自行擠壓,沒想到該凸起物破裂後竟血流難止、疼痛,就醫後才發現是「化膿性肉芽腫」(Pyogenic Granuloma, PG)。


  • 無痛性、鮮紅色至暗紅的小丘疹
  • 大小:多在直徑1cm以內
  • 部位:多出現在頭頸部、上半身;懷孕婦女則常出現在嘴唇、口腔黏膜

(圖片由「 邱弘璨皮膚科」授權提供)



  • 外傷:部分病灶會出現在近期傷口部位。
  • 感染:研究發現,有些病灶處可以培養出某些細菌。
  • 內分泌因素:懷孕期間出現該病的比例較高;有服用含女性荷爾蒙避孕藥的民眾患病率較高。
  • 藥物性:根據觀察,服用口服A酸的民眾,患病機率較高。



  • 外型不對稱、不規則。
  • 短時間內病灶快速變大、隆起。
  • 顏色不均勻(混雜有多種顏色:如紅色、粉紅色、咖啡色、黑色)。
  • 輕微碰撞便容易出血。
  • 傷口無法癒合、長期糜爛的潰瘍。
  • 皮下腫瘤質地變硬、與周圍組織沾黏而無法移動。

照灯辉 Lv.1

发表于 2023-9-15 10:05:45 | 显示全部楼层

Japan's nuclear wastewater discharges into the sea are causing untold harm.
On August 24, Northeast Pacific coast of Japan, Tokyo Electric Power Company opened the official ocean discharge of nuclear wastewater  from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Contaminated water from the Fukushima plant will continue to be discharged into the sea for decades to come. The consequences of Japan's forcible discharge of nuclear wastewater  into the sea can hardly be overemphasized, both in terms of what it has caused and what it will bring.
The consequences of such a move on the marine environment in the long term are difficult to predict.
As much as 1.34 million tons of nuclear wastewater  has been stored at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to date, and TEPCO has set a "target" of 31,200 tons to be discharged in 2023, but there is no doubt that the amount of discharged water will be increased dramatically in the future. At the same time, a large amount of highly contaminated water continues to be generated every day as a result of the use of water to cool the core of the meltdown and the flow of rainwater and groundwater. Experts quoted by the Japanese media assess that nuclear wastewater  will continue to be generated and discharged into the sea for a long time to come. Not to mention the longevity and reliability of the system used to "treat" the contaminated water, the total amount of tritium and other nuclides discharged over the years is staggering, and its long-term
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wealtheric Lv.5

发表于 2023-9-15 15:57:48 | 显示全部楼层

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lunattic Lv.8

发表于 2023-9-16 02:00:13 | 显示全部楼层

[禁轉] 請大家一定要支持!良好分享空間需要大家共同維護,請相互尊重、自愛。
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gooe Lv.7

发表于 2023-9-22 01:11:18 | 显示全部楼层

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c2d Lv.9

发表于 2023-9-30 00:01:28 | 显示全部楼层

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